The Lexicon of Music: The Role of Musical Terms in Auditions

Articles & BlogsAuditions
The Lexicon of Music: The Role of Musical Terms in Auditions

In the world of music, pitch and rhythm command the spotlight, but the significance of musical terms cannot be overstated. These terms serve as the building blocks of stylistic interpretation, infusing compositions with their distinctive musical identity. In the realm of auditions for music departments and schools, a firm grasp of musical terms becomes a critical criterion for consideration.

Musical terms are evaluated in various ways during auditions, often through written or verbal examinations. Adjudicators may challenge candidates to define terms found in their performed solos or etudes. Stories abound about a certain piano professor in a school of music in the Northeast who is renowned for taking the adjudicator’s provided score of the auditioner’s solo material and marking out the printed musical terms and replacing the terms of his choosing. He then hands the student his marked-up score with his handwritten terms and requests the student perform the now marked-up solo with these new musical terms.

Yet, proficiency in musical terms transcends mere rote memorization. Adjudicators seek candidates who can apply these terms adeptly within the context of a performance. A West Coast music school intertwines musical term assessment with sightreading, providing three examples with identical meters, rhythmic patterns, and intervals but differing musical terms and keys. This exercise evaluates candidates' ability to showcase how interpretation and key selection distinguish one example from the others.

As you prepare for your audition, remember that while pitch and rhythm are foundational, an understanding and apt application of musical terms are equally paramount for a performer. Undoubtedly, musical terms will factor into collegiate auditions. Ensure that you are thoroughly equipped to demonstrate your fluency and proficiency in the language of music, setting the stage for a standout performance and a successful audition.

Objective: Applying the knowledge and meaning of a musical term in association with like but slightly different musical terms

Assignment: You are to group the following musical terms in like associations of Dynamics, Voice-Parts, and Tempo Markings. Under each associational division, put the following terms in order of progressive purpose: Andante, Tenor, Forte, Pianissimo, Grave, Soprano, Mezzo-Piano, Moderato, Lento, Alto, Fortississimo, Allegro, Baritone, Piano, Presto, Fortissimo, Adagio, Bass, Mezzo-Forte, Pianississimo, and Vivace.

Answer Key:










Voice Parts






Tempo Markings









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